Attachment Theory as a psychological discipline is a science and a profession concerned with behaviour. As a science, Attachment Theory is concerned with theories, principles, facts, and methods as they relate to understanding, predicting, and influencing behaviour of both humans and animals: how they relate to one another, how they perceive; how they learn and forget; how they think, fear, hate, and love; and how they develop their individualities and personalities. Attachment Theory is both a biological and a social science; it relates behavior to physiological and environmental conditions including social factors. As a profession, Attachment Theory involves the use of theories, principles, facts, and methods of its science to assist individuals, families and groups in arriving at better solutions to psychological problems on which they seek consultation.
Attachment and the Community
The Attachment
Research Center in all areas of psychology provide service to the community
through applications of their basic research findings and through direct
efforts to find solutions to critical human problems. Trained Psychiatrists
and Psychologists are committed to
and, whenever possible, improving basic processes such as family perception,
family organization, family psychopathology, pregnancy, adoption, the first
year of life, the toddler period, the preschool period, and beyond, as
well as decision making, and problem solving for individuals and organizations.
The Department of Early Development has a strong commitment to applied
developmental science, research strategies to further knowledge about a
wide range of human and social problems, and research strategies aimed
at addressing these problems.The Attachment Research Center have developed
partnerships with many organizations, businesses, and community agencies
to seek solutions for problems of individuals, organizations, and society.
For more information, contact Juan Carlos Garelli, M.D., Ph.D.